ﻈﻈﻈﻈəMű$ ʼn ©δŴ§ﻈﻈﻈﻈ: An Inconvenient Truth (ALBERT GORE)

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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

An Inconvenient Truth (ALBERT GORE)

One of the latest released movies is "An Inconvenient Truth." I just saw the movie the other day. It is just a video of a conference about the environment that former US Vice President Al Gore hosts. It is a great movie, documentary to be exact, because it includes humorous cartoons that are suitable for younger people. Generally, this documentary is more of an adult-movie not because of any inappropriate language or violence, but its because throughout the movie there are words that I don't understand and probably words that you wouldn't dream of using.

The film shows how Antarctica is steadily melting and how the people in Nepal will suffer if snow on Mount Everest melts fast. It shows shocking pictures of places a few decades ago and today. All the ice has melted. The movie is supposed to change the way you live: where you get your electricity from and what products you buy. In the end credits, they've also got tips to be environment friendly. 

The film includes a satellite image of the earth from millions of miles away. The earth is shown as a really small dot in the picture. Al Gore explains that we are a very, very small part in the universe and the Earth is our only hope. If we mess our world up, we're hopeless - we'll come to the end of human civilisation. 

The funny thing is that Al Gore is persuading all these people to be envirofriendly but it shows clearly that he isn't that environment friendly. For example, in the movie you see Al driving his car around and his Apple laptop is always switched on. But, that's politics. Politics is all about telling people to do things! 

The official site of the movie is The movie runs for 96 minutes (1 and a half hours and 6 minutes) and was rated 9/10 in the Sun Herald 17.9.2006. You can view the trailer at Google Video. Just type in "An Inconvenient Truth" and the trailer will come up.


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